0421 958 773

Fairfield truck driving school

Fairfield truck driving school

Truck driving school in Fairfield.

Are you considering a truck license in Fairfield?

We are an accredited truck driving school in Sydney with 9 years of experience in driver training in sydney.

We run truck driver training courses in fairfield area for LR, MR, HR licence in Fairfield. All training One of one training for  individual needs, with all levels of experience catered for, from learner to oversease truck drivers who they need to apply for truck licence in NSW. 

our Truck course run 7 days a week , with some afternoon and evening MR training courses, HR training courses on offer.

MR license enables the driver to drive medium rigid vehicles. 

The Medium rigid license allows drivers to drive truck or bus or tow a heavy trailer. The heavy rigid license qualifies the drivers to drive any rigid vehicle or tow trailer up to 9 tonnes. The training provides candidates adequate knowledge to manage gears, steering, brakes and accelerator. It also informs the drivers of road and traffic rules, speed regulation. Heavy load vehicles should know the load securing processes, reverse and the maintenance or creation of spaces to avoid crashes.

 HR license enables the driver to drive heavy rigid vehicles. 

 LR license enables the driver to drive light rigid trucks.

To achieving a truck licence in NSW, Ezy Way Driving offer an affordable price with top service in driver training, with experience instructors in NSW. 

We are accredited truck driving school to do training and Heavy Vehicle Competency Based Assessment (HVCBA)
our professional instructors can assist you one-on-one to acquire enough driving skills. we are able to provide flexible hours for training and assessment for  truck licence applicant .we will also give you some tips to pass the driving test for the first time.  It’s quite easy to find an accredited driving school, but looking for excellent and friendly driving instructors can be a real challenge